A polyhedron is just a deformed Platonic sphere…

A conservative Catholic believes that all the doctrines and precepts of the Church must be held as a whole or not at all. A liberal Catholic believes that at least some of the doctrines and precepts of the Church can be jettisoned or fundamentally altered, while a progressive Catholic believes that many, if not most of them, must be so reconstructed. As for a traditionalist Catholic? He just believes that the liberals envy the progressives, and that the conservatives vastly underestimate the liberals, since the liberals aren’t even Catholic, and thus aren’t even worthy of collaboration.

In other words, traditionalist Catholics are essentially conservative Catholics, with the added feature that they are willing to admit that the conservative Catholic status quo is gone, baby, gone; and thus it must be fought for and restored. Meanwhile, any hint that the status quo is out of whack is anathema to conservative Catholics, who seem unwilling to admit that their majority status has long since flown the coop.

This is why traditionalist and conservative Catholics are the most contentious subgroups: they are fighting over the same mutually beloved turf, yet without recognizing a common enemy. Absent such clarity, they more often than not turn on each other, much to the glee of the liberals and their progressive masters. Ultimately, the conservatives are not wrong, but the traditionalists are more right.

About The Codgitator (a cadgertator)

Catholic convert. Quasi-Zorbatic. Freelance interpreter, translator, and web marketer. Former ESL teacher in Taiwan (2003-2012) and former public high school teacher (2012-2014). Married father of three. Multilingual, would-be scholar, and fairly consistent fitness monkey. My research interests include: the interface of religion and science, the history and philosophy of science and technology, ancient and medieval philosophy, and cognitive neuroscience. Please pray for me.
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3 Responses to A polyhedron is just a deformed Platonic sphere…

  1. Tony Jokin says:

    Aren’t conservative Catholics those who accept gradual change but in any direction? My understanding is that a conservative Catholic can within their framework of “I am a conservative” adopt something that seemed morally abhorrent (or liberal) at one time as long as the development to viewing it as a positive was introduced gradually. So conservative while they share a common ground (in so far as those particular aspects have not changed much among conservatives), might have some serious disagreements on what has changed.

  2. The Deuce says:

    As a conservative Protestant (PCA) who reads a lot of Catholic blogs, I particularly find it amusing how often I see “orthodox” Catholics of a liberal bent attacking more traditional Catholics who express their skepticism at more recent “developments” as being Protestants at heart for not being sufficiently trusting of the Magisterium.

    I find it amusing because these “developments” are so obviously attempts to chase after and accommodate the more radical “innovations” of mostly liberal Protestants, all of who’s denominations are themselves rapidly falling apart as a result of them. And this goes for divorce culture, for feminism, for Biblical criticism (I’ve seen multiple ignoramuses tell me that the deconstructionism and authorial conspiracy theories present throughout the NAB and certain “Catholic” commentaries is the “Catholic” approach to the Bible, for instance, apparently unaware that in fact they are slavishly regurgitating a bunch of kooky theories that were actually dreamt up by 19-century liberal Protestants and resisted by the Catholic church until about 50 years ago), and more.

  3. Thank you for that, Deuce.

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